We already brought you part one of our list of 15 things you probably did not know about Burger King, and now we’re back with part two! Check out eight more fascinating facts about the iconic fast food franchise that you definitely (probably) did not know below. You might be surprised by what you find out!
Number Eight: Those Creepy Ads Were for Young Guys. Remember those really bizarre “wake up with the king” advertisements Burger King did in the early aughts? Well, those ads were actually BK’s attempt to appeal to the demographic of males between the ages of 18 to 24.
Number Seven: It Delivers. It’s true! Burger King will deliver food straight to your door in 14 states. This gives an entirely new meaning to the term “fast food.”
Number Six: You Probably Shouldn’t Open a Franchise. It’s not only insanely expensive to open a BK franchise, but it will also consume a hefty portion of your time. Anyone who wants to open a franchise must have at least $1.5 million in net worth, $500,000 in liquid assets and be willing to pay a franchise fee of $50,000. The interested party must also complete 84 days of training in a classroom and seven weeks of training in another store.
Number Five: You Can Order “Frings.” If you get excited by the prospect of finding a fry in your onion rings, try ordering “frings.” Ordering “frings” will get you an order of half french fries, half onion rings.
Number Four: More Than 1.3 Billion Whopper Sandwiches Are Sold Every Year. It’s true! The franchise goes through an impressive amount of whoppers, which have effectively become their signature sandwich.
Number Three: A Whopper Was Less Than a Dollar in 1957. In fact, Burger King sold their famous whopper sandwiches for just 37 cents in 1957. Those were the days!
Number Two: It’s Responsible for Getting Robert Downey Jr. Clean. In 2003, Downey Jr. claimed that he ate a burger at BK that was so repulsive that it inspired him to get clean. He was high on dope when he got the burger.
Number One: It Has a Fragrance. Seriously! In Japan, Burger King customers can buy a perfume that smells like meat. We hope you enjoyed our list of 15 things you didn’t know about Burger King!