Can You Really Lose Weight With Meal Delivery Diets?

On any given day, there is someone, somewhere, trying to lose weight. Many turn to meal delivery services in an effort to lose weight.

For a small fee, the person will receive three meals per day plus two healthy snacks. Everything is portion controlled and the total caloric intake for any given day is between 1200 to 1400 calories for women and 1600 to 1800 for men.

By following this plan these persons hope to lose weight. Unfortunately, there’s a bit more to it than just eating what they send you.

First, you’re going to have to stick strictly to what is sent for your food sources and drink plenty of water. If you deviate off of what they send you, you’re taking in more calories and risking the chance of blowing the diet.

You’ll also have to change some other habits in an effort to lose weight. You’ll have to incorporate some exercise into your daily routine and change things up a bit if you really want to lose weight.

Many of these meal delivery programs also offer some form of counseling and a program where you get tips on losing weight. They also incorporate some form of group therapy that you can follow up with online.

Not all programs are created equal and you’ll want to do your research in order to find the one that is best tailored to your specific needs.

You’ll want to focus on other ways you can work towards your weight loss goal as well as sticking to the meal plan that they send you.

There are many pros and cons to using a meal delivery plan. You won’t have to do any shopping for your groceries. You won’t have anything complicated to prepare for your meals.

You can rest assured that all of your nutritional needs are being met as long as you follow the plan. If you’re on a specific diet, gluten free for example, you can order meals that will give you gluten free options.

It’s important to note that none of the meals will include beverages. Here, you’re on your own. You can drink all of the water that you like. You can also drink other things such as coffee or tea as long as you’re not adding in calorie-laden sugars and creamers.

These are some pretty great pros for meal delivery diets. Unfortunately, along with pros, there are a few cons.

One of which is the cost of such meal delivery services. These can quickly become very expensive and quickly add up in cost. If you’re not financially well off, you may find that these prices send you right out of the ballpark.

You’ll be getting healthy, well-balanced meals of fresh fruits, vegetables, meats, and starches but you’re going to be paying for it.

You can often work with a meal planner and pick and choose what you want to eat. Some people choose to go this route for a short time and then create their own meals to save money.

While this is a workable solution, they will find that they have to do all of the shopping and focus on healthier options for all their meals. It will take a bit more effort to do all of this on your own versus having it delivered right to your door.

Another con is that if you’re planning to dine out, you’re going to have to be very mindful of what you eat. No heavy calorie laden meals.

You may wish to plan to use the salad bar and avoid any heavy laden caloric dressings and opt for some oil and vinegar on the side or a low-calorie dressing.

If you have the money and the ability, and you’re willing to do some extra work such as exercise, these meal delivery diets will work well for you.

If you’re not able to do this for a long period of time due to financial constraints, you may be able to jump start a diet program by doing this short term.

There are many great options out there for meal delivery diets and you can choose the one that will work best for you and your specific needs.