Our parts one through three articles with the first 27 facts that everyone should know about cancer really filled you in with important information about this disease, but there is much more to come! To find out everything that there is to know about cancer, keep reading our list of the next set of nine pressing facts that you should know in part four. Don’t forget to check back for our coming final article, part five, to see the top 10 pressing facts that you should know about cancer!
Number Nineteen: The Survivors
Surviving the onset of cancer is quite a remarkable feat, but sadly the numbers are low in comparison to the mortality rates. Around the world, there are approximately 28 million people who conquered their battles.
Number Eighteen: The Causes
Many people are under the impression that cancer is the result of a single event, however this isn’t true. The main reason that cancer is so baffling to scientists and medical professionals is that it is the result of a variety of diseases and causes. In other words, a lot has to go wrong in the body in order to develop cancerous cells.
Number Seventeen: HPV Risks
Many people remain unaware that HPV is a leading cause of cancer, primarily in women. This sexually transmitted disease leads to an infection of the cervix in women, and is the main cause of this type of cancer. Although it is the main agent in its onset, the majority of women diagnosed with HPV do not develop the disease.
Number Sixteen: Pregnancy Correlations
In terms of breast cancer, it may be beneficial for women to have children at younger ages. Those who experience pregnancies past the age of 30 years have an increased risk for its development. In addition, it can also be beneficial to breastfeed.
Number Fifteen: Risk in Men
Women are increasingly at risk for the development of this disease, but the risk for men if frighteningly high as well. In the United States, the chances of a man incurring this illness over the course of his life is roughly 45%.
Number Fourteen: Drug Stats
While the main cure for cancer remains to be unknown, many companies have developed successful pharmaceuticals aimed at its treatment. However, these companies have encountered many hardships that prevent the circulation of these medications, mainly as the result of funding issues.
Number Thirteen: Take Care of Your Teeth
Inflammation of the gums, commonly deemed to be gingivitis, may present an increased risk for the onset of this disease as well. Poor dental hygiene is one of the main factors leading to invasive cancers of the mouth.
Number Twelve: Holocaust Survivors
Studies have shown that Holocaust survivors have an especially high risk for developing this condition. This is primarily the result of malnutrition and stress from their horrific experiences.
Number Eleven: Children and Cancer
Even though cancer is most prominently observed in older patients, a large portion of children have been affected as well. In 2008, approximately 96,400 children under the age of 14 years suffered cancer-related deaths. Don’t forget to check back for our coming final article, part five, to see the top 10 pressing facts that you should know about cancer!