Chris Paul: 15 Things You Didn’t Know (Part 2)

Chris Paul is a fairly divisive player. One the one hand, his talent is unquestioned, and pundits love to talk about him as one of the ultimate team players and assist men in the league. On the other hand, it’s not hard to find players on other NBA teams who have something negative to say about the guy. But keep reading here in part two of our list and maybe your opinion of him – whatever it might be – will change.

Number Eight: Chris Paul Listens to Gospel Music Before Games

Most NBA players probably listen to hip hop, maybe some electronic music. Not wholesome Chris Paul. He’s listening to straight-up gospel.

Number Seven: His Family Opened the First Black-Owned Gas Station in North Carolina

His late grandfather opened the place in the midst of the civil rights movement in the 1960s. Chris worked there during summers growing up.

Number Six: He Was an Official Spokesperson for the United States Bowling Congress

He’s been taking bowling seriously (relatively) since high school, and this decision solidified it. He also owns his own Professional Bowlers Association team.

Number Five: He Once Had Jordans Stolen From Him

They were the Jordan 13s, and someone took them right out of his locker when he was playing basketball. Most likely, the thief sold them on eBay.

Number Four: He’s a Huge Fan of Scandal

He has even referred to himself as a Gladiator (which is apparently the term for fans of the show). Clearly, he has good taste!

Number Three: He’s Known His Wife Since High School

They met through a mutual friend way back when Chris Paul was in his junior year. No one can say she was after the fame.

Number Two: He Ate at the International House of Pancakes After Every College Game He Played

It was a tradition he shared with his family. Win or lose, they ate some pancakes. Or whatever else is on that menu.

Number One: He Played in a Pickup Game With Michael Jordan While he Was in College

He even hit the game-winning shot. And guess who assisted? Yup, MJ himself. That’s the end of our Chris Paul list. Thanks for reading!