You are probably at least a little bit familiar with cocaine, or coke, as it is popularly called. Well, we’ve got eight facts about the drug that you probably don’t know. Check them out for yourself below!
Number Eight: You Probably Have it On You. If you’re carrying cash, you’re probably carrying that white powder, too. Up to 90 percent of U.S. bills have this drug residue on them. Cocaine clings to the green dye in the bills and is nearly impossible to get out.
Number Seven: It Was Once in Coca-Cola. Up until 1903, there was cocaine in Coca-Cola. In fact, that’s how Coca-Cola got its name – from the coca plant. It was thought to be a natural stimulant, like caffeine.
Number Six: It’s Really Popular. This is the most popular drug in the United States. Up to 5.7 million people have used it in the past year alone. In the next 24 hours, 2500 people will try this drug for the very first time.
Number Five: Babies Are Born Addicted. Every year, more than 100,000 babies are born addicted to cocaine. This happens because their mothers are addicted and continue to use throughout the pregnancy, meaning the babies become addicted while in the womb.
Number Four: It is Global
Cocaine is the second most frequently trafficked drug in the entire world. Its global sales from trafficking amount to more than Microsoft, McDonald’s and Kellog’s combined.
Number Three: Colombia Is Its Biggest Producer. The drug trade surrounding cocaine in Colombia earns up to $10 billion each year. Despite this, it is the United States the sees the profits from this drug trading. This is because, in Colombia, this drug can be purchased for five dollars per gram while in the U.S. it can be purchased for up to $100 per gram.
Number Two: Cocaine and Sugar Similarities
Studies show that the drug has a similar effect on the body as sugar and processed foods. Cupcakes can even be as addictive as cocaine.
Number One: It Was a Miracle Drug. While we now know the detrimental effects of using too much cocaine, for a long time people didn’t realize how bad it was. It was used to stimulate thinking and bring energy levels up, as well as for inspiration.