Courtney Love has made quite a name for herself over the years. The Hole singer and former wife of Kurt Cobain may be past her prime, but she’s still going strong. However, despite the fact that Love has spent a considerable amount of time in the spotlight and under the scrutiny of the public eye, there are still some things that many people don’t know. With that in mind, here we present our list of 15 things you probably didn’t know about Courtney Love. Check out part one below, and stay tuned for part two, coming soon!
Number Fifteen: She Could Have Been Madison Lee. Love was offered the role of Madison Lee in the film Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle; however, the role ended up going to Demi Moore, who absolutely nailed it and used it to fuel her comeback.
Number Fourteen: She Has Romantic Ties to Edward Norton. You’re probably aware of Love’s relationship with Kurt Cobain, but did you know she has been linked to actor Edward Norton as well? The two met while filming The People vs. Larry Flynt, and they were in a relationship soon after that.
Number Thirteen: She Did Cocaine With Steve Coogan. Love and British comedian Steve Coogan had a two-week long fling in the early aughts. Love calls the fling her “last dance with cocaine.”
Number Twelve: She Posted an Ad on Craigslist. Courtney Love – she’s just like us! Well, in this case, it’s true. Love went searching for a bassist on Craigslist to replace former Hole member Melissa Auf Der Maur. She claims she only got one response.
Number Eleven: She Was the Lead Singer of Faith No More. Before Faith No More hit it big, Love was their lead singer in the early 1980s. She was eventually fired from the band.
Number Ten: If You Watch Her Behind the Music Episode, Skip the Second Half. Love has said that she enjoyed the first half of the episode of Behind the Music about her life, but she thought the entire second hour was a wash.
Number Nine: She Didn’t Learn Anything at Art School. Love attended San Francisco’s Art Institute, where she studied art. However, she says that she didn’t learn anything there, and her decision to go was more about finding her destiny than it was about becoming the next Leonardo da Vinci.