Our part one article on the first set of seven facts you didn’t know about depression really opened your eyes to what those who are affected by the disorder are facing. Finally, we have returned with our part two article to show you our final eight facts! Even if you have been diagnosed with this condition, there is still so much to learn about its nature. Read on to discover the top eight facts that you didn’t know about depression!
Number Eight: Sleep Has a Lot to Do With It
Poor sleeping habits have a remarkable correlation to depressive emotions. Within the human body, a person’s “circadian rhythm” is the descriptive term for long-term sleeping habits. This natural rhythm works to help the brain to differentiate morning from night. In many depressed people, the brain can experience trouble with this instinct, leading to impaired brain function and constant fatigue or tiredness. If you are experiencing odd sleeping hours or insomnia, it may be time to consult a doctor about the possibility of this condition.
Number Seven: Your Diet Affects Your Symptoms
In terms of diet, a person’s food choices can have a large impact on depressive symptoms. The dietary tendency to choose refined grains (pasta, chips, white bread, etc.) and red meats may increase depressive symptoms in an individual. On the other hand, foods such as olive oil, fish, vegetables, and even coffee can have more beneficial effects on mood and function.
Number Six: The Answers Are in the Blood
It is commonly assumed that the only medical test able to detect a possibility of depression in a person is a brain scan, which is costly and time-consuming. In addition, it often doesn’t reveal the answers to all of the questions about what a specific person is experiencing and why. However, studies are now being done on the possibility of finding this information from a simple blood test. Soon, it may be possible to use blood biomarkers to predict which patients are in need of therapy. Remarkably, not every person with depression will respond well to therapy.
Number Five: It’s Not a Phase
Many people who have not experienced depression, or may have only witnessed mild and short-term symptoms, often mistake the disorder for a simple case of the blues. A person affected with a life-long decline into this condition cannot simply “get over it”; these people are unable to control these emotions and thoughts, and often cannot experience benefit from anything less than medical treatment. The onset of depression is quite frightening, and these views can be detrimental to the life of those affected by it.
Number Four: There Doesn’t Have to Be a Reason for It
The onset of this illness is not caused by personal experiences or daily problems. It can be triggered by traumatic life events, but these experiences can be more life threatening in affected persons. Depression has been studied, and it has been found that the most likely reason a person experiences this condition is from a natural chemical reaction in the brain occurring either too frequently or infrequently. It is not caused by how each of us interprets our individual lives, but actually from a devastating lack of any positive emotion in a person.
Number Three: It Can Cause Brain Shrinkage
Those who are affected with depression can experience significant brain shrinkage if treatment is not sought out. Proteins called REDD1 proteins are responsible for the efficiency in which a neuron connects with others and transmits information. When a person does not create enough of this protein, the parts of the brain that allow us to think and feel diminish in size as a result of negligence. This occurs mostly in the front portion of the cerebral cortex, which is responsible for optimism and happy emotions.
Number Two: There Isn’t a Cure
As of now, there is no cure available with the ability to completely diminish the effects of depression. There are many forms which require various treatments, meaning that there is no universal treatment for all who are affected. The most we can do at the moment is simply offer medications and therapy, which help people with this condition to cope with these emotions. Until we find a cure, the World Health Organization has predicted that this will be the second highest affective disability in 2030, behind AIDS.
Number One: Everyone Experiences It Differently
The main reason that depression has become such a problematic mystery is that no two people experience the same symptoms. There are many forms that the illness takes, and people may deal with their symptoms in a variety of ways. While some people may lose enthusiasm for things that once brought them joy, others may hold onto their motivation and experience pain in other ways. Some of the most common indicators are uncontrollable or inexplicable crying, weakness, drastic changes in appetite, increased sleep, and self-degrading or even suicidal thoughts. We really hope you enjoyed learning all there is to know about depression!