Don’t Ever Watch These 12 Movies More Than Once

There are some flicks that demand a number of watchings. There are some films that people watch over and over, whenever they’re on television, regardless of the time of day. These are gold standards like Goodfellas and Shawshank Redemption, not to mention nearly every incredible hero flick.

However, there are some motion pictures that, while remarkable, it’s actually just recommended that people enjoy them once. There is simply something disconcerting about the movie that makes it difficult to watch more than once. Well, here are 12 wonderful flicks that actually do not require a second watching.

Number Twelve: Martyrs. Horror fans will certainly be acquainted with Pascal Laugier’s movie, yet the regular audience might not know it exists. You have never seen a movie more unrelenting in its physical violence than Martyrs. The very first time we watched it, we recommended it to our neighbors, with the only specification being that we would not be viewing it with them.

Number Eleven: Requiem for a Dream. Remember when it was cool to name this movie as your favorite? This movie is better as a concept than it is an actual movie, considering that viewing a team of individuals ruin their lives and damage everyone around them as a result of drug obsessions isn’t really precisely a family-friendly film. We appreciate this movie; however, we never wish to see it again.

Number Ten: Blue Valentine. Sure, a NC-17 rating tacked onto a film starring Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams sounds good in theory, but in practice this film is no easy treat. There is so much depravity in this film that it’s just too depressing to be sexy.

Number Nine: American History X. Edward Norton gave us a real stunner with American History X, but the first 15 minutes of the movie alone are rough enough to make us never want to watch it again. The trample scene is bad enough, but the close up of his teeth is just straight up spooky.

Number Eight: Antichrist. This is the epitome of an amazing movie you’ll only want to watch once. It’s an effective motion picture; however, we’ll never ever be able to go to a zoo again if we have to see those lunatic woodland pets.

Number Seven: Schindler’s List. Visualize visiting your buddy’s place and enjoying a beer while you watch the elimination of the Jewish population. Yeah, we didn’t think so. The scene where Ralph Fiennes takes his sniper rifle and begins heartlessly shooting people is not something we need to experience once more.

Number Six: The Sixth Sense. Remember the first time you saw The Sixth Sense? If you have not seen it a second time, you should keep it that way.

Number Five: Precious. In all honesty, we’re not even sure we wanted to watch this movie the first time around. In between Monique making her little girl finger blast her and the scene where Precious vomits, we believe we’ve had our reasonable share of movies based on Sapphire’s Push.

Number Four: 12 Years a Slave. Allow us to make a declaration that any kind of movie about injustice of any sort, while it’s crucial to see, is exceptionally challenging to watch. We still cannot watch the last scenes in the movie without tearing up.

Number Three: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. This was an effective film, but it was hard to watch. The concept was unique and original, but it’s not something you need to see twice.

Number Two: There Will Be Blood. Daniel Day Lewis is second-to-none when it concerns acting; however, the idea of viewing all those sluggish zooms with that powerful soundtrack once again seems like a problem. Don’t get us wrong, we liked it the first time, but this isn’t really among films like Men in Black that would be relaxing to watch on repeat.

Number One: The Passion of the Christ. We all understand Mel Gibson is crazy; however, you have to offer him credit for making one of the most bold and spiritual movies ever made. The point is, unless you’re a priest that failed to remember to prepare an Easter homily, you’re probably not going to be watching this one over and over.