Easy Cooking: 7 Delicious Microwave Meals

The microwave is a beautiful invention. Need a meal you can make in under five minutes, straight from your freezer, and that is also portable? Revolutionary. When we saw Paulie Bleeker jogging with his microwave breakfast sandwich, we all cried a little inside, because there was a man to aspire to. But now it’s time to up your microwave game, because, believe it or not, there is more to life than Hot Pockets, Lean Cuisine, and Pizza Rolls.  Here’s a list seven dishes you never knew could come from your microwave!

Number Seven: Potato Chips. One wouldn’t immediately assume that the standard microwave was actually capable of creating crispy potato chips – especially when it has a tendency to turn reheated French fries into mush. But actually, microwaved potato chips are a thing, and they’re super easy too.

Simply slice a potato, making sure to cut as thin as possible, toss the slices up with some olive oil and salt, then set them on a microwave safe plated coated in oil-spray. Nuke em’, turn them over, and nuke em’ again. Done. And the best part is that they get even crispier as they cool.

Number Six: Banana Bread. Probably the best things about microwaveable meals is that they usually only create a single serving, so you don’t have to share. And trust me, you’re not going to want to share this banana bread.

Take three tbsp of flour, one packet of Splenda, two tbsp brown sugar, 1/8 tsp each salt, baking powder, and baking soda, one egg, ¼ tsp vanilla, one tbsp of vegetable oil, one tbsp milk, and half a banana, then mix it all together in a microwave safe mug. Next, microwave the concoction for two to three minutes, making sure to keep an eye on it as it cooks, as the bread will rise and it might just pop out of your mug.

Number Five: Chicken Fajitas. Easy, quick, and delicious, it’s nice to be able to make dinner in less than half an hour – in fact, this will only take you 10 minutes. Start by slicing up the vegetables you love in your own fajitas – I usually go for red and green peppers. Place them in a microwave-safe Tupperware container and mix in some taco or fajita seasoning. Next, take a single, raw chicken breast and cut it up into strips, then rub the seasoning into each strip. Place the strips on top of your veggies and cover the container with a lid. Microwave for ten minutes. Once that oven beeps you’ve got yourself a yummy, fajita filling! All you need now is a tortilla and some cheese!

Number Four: A Chocolate Chip Cookie. Just like the banana bread, this is a simple mix and nuke recipe that’s brilliant for chocolate lovers, as well as an easy cooking project for kids!

Simply mix the following together in a microwave safe mug: 1/4 cup flour, 1/4 tsp baking powder, 1/8 tsp baking soda, 1/8 tsp salt, 2 1/2 tbsp sugar, 1/4 cup applesauce – don’t question it, just do it – two tbsp milk, 1/4 tsp pure vanilla extract, and one to three tbsp chocolate chips, depending on your desired level of chocolaty-ness. After mixing, microwave for a minute and a half to three minutes. The longer your microwave the crispier your cookie will be, but be careful not to burn it!

Number Three: Mac and Cheese. The comfort food of comfort foods, Kraft’s had the edge on microwaveable mac and cheese for about a decade now, but this simple recipe might just change that. All you need to make the perfect Mac and Cheese is a microwave safe mug – are you sensing a pattern yet? In the mug, combine one cup of water, ½ cup of macaroni, and ½ cup of cheese – be creative and mix together your favorite cheeses!

First things first, put the pasta in your mug and pour in the water, then microwave for five to eight minutes, or until the pasta is cooked to your liking. Next, add your cheese and mix it into the pasta until it melts. If your cheese doesn’t completely melt, feel free to pop it back into the microwave for another 30 seconds. Once melted, you’re done!

Number Two: Cheesecake. As a former resident of Brooklyn, cheesecake is something I take very seriously, and while this recipe is a far cry from a Junior’s Cheesecake – seriously, google Juniors, order one (they’ll ship a cheesecake anywhere), and fall in love – this simple microwave cake is great for the late night cravings.

Begin by mixing two ounces of softened cream cheese with two tablespoons of sour cream – don’t worry, you won’t taste the sour cream when the cake is done – in a small bowl. Next, whisk an egg in, and then add ½ tsp lemon juice, ¼ tsp vanilla, and three tbsp of sugar – or simply sugar to taste.  Next, place your mixture into a microwave safe, mini cake pan – or, yes, you can also use a mug, and microwave for 90 seconds, stirring every 30 seconds. Once done, refrigerate the cake until its cold, and you’ve got yourself a quick and easy cheesecake!

Number One: Bacon. Bacon is awesome. And what’s even more awesome is that you can make it in the microwave and not have to worry about being scalded by hot grease or having to wash a congealed pan when you’re done.

Just take a bowl and turn it upside down on a plate, lay your bacon over the upturned bowl – I recommend doing three at a time – and microwave it one minute per slice. The great thing about this set up is that the grease from the bacon will roll down the side of the bowl and collect onto the plate, leaving you with minimal mess and crispier bacon. What more could you possibly want?