Eddie Redmayne is one of the most talented and progressive actors in Hollywood. The 34-year-old English actor is quickly becoming more and more recognizable and regarded for his work. However, despite the fact that Redmayne has spent a considerable amount of time in the spotlight and under the scrutiny of the public eye, there are still some things that many people don’t know. With that in mind, here we present our list of 15 things you probably didn’t know about Eddie Redmayne. Check out part one below, and stay tuned for part two, coming soon!
Number Fifteen: He Was Almost Bilbo Baggins. Redmayne auditioned for the role of Bilbo Baggins in The Hobbit. Perhaps thankfully for us all, he didn’t get the part.
Number Fourteen: His Wife Was Late to Their Wedding. It’s true! Redmayne is married to Hannah Bagshawe, and she was apparently half an hour late to their actually wedding. However, Redmayne says he wasn’t concerned because she isn’t on time for anything.
Number Thirteen: Pharrell Made Him Cry. Redmayne cried when he watched Pharrell’s interview with Oprah about his song called “Happy.” Pharrell was talking about how overwhelmed he was by the song’s success, and watching the interview made Redmayne cry.
Number Twelve: He Went to School With Prince William. And Prince William reportedly name drops him, too! According to Jonathan Ross, William “name-dropped” Redmayne to brag about the two of them going to school together.
Number Eleven: He Had a Conversation with P.Diddy on the Toilet. Redmayne and Diddy both attended the 2013 Golden Globes, and while in the bathroom, Diddy decided to tell Redmayne that he likes his work.
Number Ten: He Steals Shampoo. Redmayne revealed in an interview that, while on tour for Les Miserables, he stole shampoo from all of the hotels the cast stayed in. Despite the fact that Redmayne definitely has enough money to buy shampoo, he had to restrain himself from stealing it.
Number Nine: He Has a Go-To Karaoke Song. According to him, Redmayne’s karaoke song of choice is “Bat Out of Hell.” Stay tuned for part two of our list of 15 things you didn’t know about Eddie Redmayne, coming soon!