Elvis Presley: 15 Things You Didn’t Know (Part 1)

The King of Rock and Roll, also known as Elvis Presley, may be dead, but he’s certainly not gone from our minds and hearts. Here, we present 15 things you didn’t know about Elvis Presley in two parts. See below for eight little-known facts about Elvis Presley, and stay tuned for part two, coming soon!

Number Fifteen: He Had a Laser-Shooting Suit. Right before the king died, he insisted that his electrician design a special suit for him. Specifically, he had his electrician design a suit for him that shot colorful laser beams at audience members in the crowd. Of course, they were harmless.

Number Fourteen: Some Elvis Impersonators Must Have Beards. Owing to extremely strict Islamic laws, people who want to impersonate Elvis in some countries must have beards. This is true in Mogadishu, Somalia.

Number Thirteen: He Was Skilled at Karate. Elvis first took up martial arts after he finished his military duties in Germany. He began martial arts in 1958 and eventually became a black belt.

Number Twelve: He Was Packing. Everyone knows Elvis had some serious sex appeal, but apparently he used the help of a cardboard tube to supplement his natural gifts. One rumor alleges that he would put the cardboard tube in his pants to impress the ladies.

Number Eleven: His Manager Tortured Chickens. Way before he signed Elvis, his manager Colonel Tom Parker worked with an act called Colonel Parker’s Dancing Chickens. His secret to getting the chickens to dance was making them stand on hot plates.

Number Ten: He Liked Guns. Despite his seemingly peaceful nature, Elvis actually owned more than 40 firearms. Some of his more impressive firearms include several M-16s and at least one Thomson sub-machine gun.

Number Nine: He Was Apparently Impotent. According to one of Elvis’ girlfriends, Peggy Lipton, he was nearly impotent. Lipton said that she thought he was impotent because of all of his drug use.

Number Eight: He Was Born Blonde. Though most people think of Elvis as the tall, dark and handsome type, he was actually blonde until his late teens, when his hair transitioned and became darker.