Emma Watson: 15 Things You Didn’t Know (Part 2)

Emma Watson isn’t just like any other actress; she is achieving a lot of things in her life. We will see what else she does, but she’s done so much so far. Here are some more facts about this British actress that most people simply don’t know.

Number Eight: Emma Watson Is a Certified Yoga and Meditation Instructor

Emma Watson began using the teachings from meditating and doing yoga when her life got incredibly hectic but got certified so that she could help others. Talk about a healthy lifestyle!

Number Seven: Her Classmates at Brown Were More Than Respectful

When Emma went to Brown, she was pleasantly surprised about the fact that no students were disrespectful. They treated her like any other student. When the actress held a party for her classmates, they all had a good time, and no one took photos of the event.

Number Six: She Loves to Journal

Every single night, Emma Watson journals what happened to her that day. She has even estimated that she has filled a total of 30 in her life so far. That is a strong habit that many people try to get into.

Number Five: She Would Like to Do Theatre

One of the many things that Emma Watson would like to do in her lifetime is to perform in theater. This is something she has said many times.

Number Four: She Once Had Braces

Although many people have braces in their lifetime, Emma Watson managed to have braces in between shooting two of the Harry Potter films. Of course, it should be stated that she only had them for four months.

Number Three: She’s a Fan of Lord Byron

In one interview, Emma Watson has revealed that if she were able to spend a day with a historical figure, she should choose Lord Byron. That would certainly be an interesting day spent.

Number Two: Nutella Should Endorse Her

Like many individuals, Emma Watson adores Nutella. She has it whenever she can while keeping a healthy lifestyle, and particularly enjoys having it with strawberries.

Number One: She’s Auctioned For Charities

Emma Watson has a giving soul who wants to help as many people in need as possible. As such, she has donated handmade things and personal belongings for multiple charities including Blue Peter’s Mission Nutrition and Sense.