We already brought you part one of our list of 15 things you probably did not know about Ice Cube, and now we’re back with part two! Check out eight more fascinating facts about the rapper and musician that you definitely (probably) did not know below. You might be surprised by what you find out!
Number Eight: He Released the Very First Platinum Hip Hop EP. In 1989, Ice Cube began his solo career. His EP, Kill At Will, was so popular that it went Platinum. It was the very first hip hop EP to go Platinum.
Number Seven: He Toured With Lollapalooza. Ice Cube spent the bulk of 1992 going on tour with Lollapalooza. At the time, it was relatively unheard of for a big-name rapper to go on tour with a show that featured all different genres of music. After his exposure at Lollapalooza, his fan base grew much bigger than it was before.
Number Six: He Got His Name From His Brother. Ice Cube reportedly got his name from his brother. His older brother was quite popular with the ladies, and when the ladies would call their home, Ice Cube would pick up the phone and try and hit on them himself. Ice Cube’s brother said he was too “cool” for his age, and from then on his brother began to call him Ice Cube.
Number Five: He Could Have Replaced Tupac. In the film Poetic Justice, Ice Cube was offered the role opposite Janet Jackson. However, he turned it down, and the role ended up going to the late Tupac Shakur.
Number Four: He Has a Clothing Line. The line is named Solo by Cube, and it features all sorts of different types of clothing. He even sells hoodies that have built-in headphones.
Number Three: He Passed on His Talents. Not one, but two of Ice Cube’s children have careers in the rap industry. His two songs, O’Shea Jr. and Darrell, have been rapping since they were teenagers.
Number Two: He Has Won a Lot of Awards. Ice Cube is so talented that he has awards in both the rap and film industries. He has received two BET Awards and one Blockbuster Entertainment Award.
Number One: He Has His Own Record Label. Ice Cube began Lench Mob Records after he split with NWA and was upset about not getting credit for all the work that he did. His label has worked with notable acts like Da Lench Mob, T-Bone and OMG.