The Iggy Pop fun never ends. Even those of us who don’t like the man’s music have to admit that he’s an intriguing and singular figure in rock and roll history. And it’s in that spirit that we continue to provide you some weird information about a wonderfully weird man. Here’s part two of the Iggy Pop list.
Number Eight: A Fictionalized Version of Him Was Portrayed by Ewan McGregor. The movie is Velvet Goldmine and the character is called Curt Wild, but it’s generally regarded to be a fictionalized version of Iggy.
Number Seven: He is Famous – or Infamous – for His Drug Use. Iggy Pop dealt with an increasingly unmanageable heroin addiction throughout the 1970’s and into the 1980’s. With the help (both financial and spiritual) of David Bowie, he eventually kicked the habit in the mid-1980’s.
Number Six: The First Time He Met Johnny Depp, He Called Him a Turd. “You little turd,” were his exact words. A strange beginning to an unlikely friendship they shared from the 1990’s into the present.
Number Five: Iggy Always Wanted to Become a Singer, But He Also Considered Politics. With such a combative and strong personality, it’s not hard to imagine Iggy up on his soapbox. But it’s very possible he would have been just a bit too controversial to get the requisite votes.
Number Four: He Has Been Married Three Times. Can’t imagine it’s too easy to live with Iggy Pop. But recently he married Nina Alu, who he’s been in a relationship with for a long time. Side note: they claim to twerk around the house together.
Number Three: His Primary Source of Income Has Always Been Touring. Though many of the records of The Stooges are now critically acclaimed, they have never made quite enough money to make Iggy rich. It’s the live show that really sell.
Number Two: He’s a Voiceover Artist. With a distinctive voice like that, why not?
Number One: He Continues to Collaborate With New Artists. His 2003 album Skull Ring, for example, features musical artists such as Peaches, The Trolls Sum 41 and Green Day. We hope you enjoyed our list of 15 things you didn’t know about Iggy Pop!