Jimi Hendrix: 15 Things You Didn’t Know (Part 2)

We already brought you part one of our list of 15 things you didn’t know about Jimi Hendrix, and now we’re back with part two! Keep reading to learn seven more fascinating and little-known facts about one of America’s favorite music legends, Jimi Hendrix.

Number Seven: He Used Music as a Religion. Hendrix classified the music he played as part of the “electric church.” According to him, he wanted his music to be part of a safe place that anyone could access and experience his music in a sort of religious way. He liked the idea of music bringing people together without judgments.

Number Six: He Was an Autodidact. Did you know Hendrix taught himself how to play guitar? He first learned on the one-string ukulele we mentioned in part one, but he then realized he could teach himself even more on an actual guitar. He had never taken a single guitar lesson in his life.

Number Five: He Couldn’t Actually Read Music. Speaking of guitar lessons, Hendrix never learned how to read music. He learned how to play by ear, rather than by reading notes on a page.

Number Four: One of His Most Popular Songs Is a Cover. His hit song, “All Along the Watchtower,” was actually written and recorded by Bob Dylan less than one year before Hendrix covered it. After Hendrix died, Dylan began playing the song the same way Hendrix did as a tribute to him.

Number Three: He May Have Had Two Children. Hendrix definitely has one son – James Sundquist. However, he may have a daughter as well, Tamika Hendrix. However, there has never been DNA testing to prove that Tamika is Hendrix’s daughter.

Number Two: He Loved Comic Books. Hendrix would often reference comic book characters when talking with friends. In addition to Spider-Man, Hendrix was also a fan of Batman.

Number One: He Wrote a Screenplay. It’s true! This man truly was a genius. His screenplay, written entirely by himself, was called Moon Dust. The main character, named The Powerful Sound King, was based on his own personality. Other characters in the screenplay were based off of Spider-Man characters.