Johnny Cash is one of the most recognizable names in the music world. The singer and songwriter was considered to be one of the biggest influences in the industry, and he continues to influence artists today. However, despite the fact that Cash spent a considerable amount of time in the spotlight and under the scrutiny of the public eye, there are still some things that many people don’t know. With that in mind, here we present our list of 15 things you probably didn’t know about Johnny Cash. Check out part one below, and stay tuned for part two, coming soon!
Number Fifteen: He Was Into Monsters. As a child, Cash became interested in the original Frankenstein film. He could apparently empathize with the character of the monster, especially the aspect of him being a monster but trying to do good in the world.
Number Fourteen: He Could Hypnotize Himself. Cash reportedly learned how to hypnotize himself from country singer Johnny Horton.
Number Thirteen: He Was a Bigot. Though Cash was known for advocating for minorities, there was one name-calling incident he was involved in regarding a white woman walking with an African-American soldier. However, he blamed it on his upbringing in rural Arkansas.
Number Twelve: He Wore All Black for Good Luck. In fact, Cash began sporting his all-black getups after he wore a black t-shirt and jeans to his very first performance in public.
Number Eleven: He Had a Great Sense of Humor. In fact, Cash and his first wife, Vivian, named their first child, a daughter, after Cash’s nicknames for Vivian’s breasts: Rose and Anne.
Number Ten: He Only Took One Voice Lesson. It’s true! Cash only took one voice lesson in his entire life. His teacher very wisely told him not to let anybody change the way he sang.
Number Nine: He Was Very Clever. Cash’s hit titled, “I Walk the Line” has a double meaning that most people don’t realize. Though many people see the song as representing Cash’s loyalty to his new wife, he also saw it as a way to sneak religion into music.