Order in the court! Everyone loves a little Judge Judy sometimes; she’s sassy, she’s brutal, and she knows how to tell it like it is. This powerful woman has become renowned for her memorable quotes, or Judy-isms, and we are here to show you the best of the best. We promise you’ll laugh!
Number Seven: When Judge Judy Got a Little Cocky
When Judge Judy made this quote, it was obvious she has high opinions of her intellect: “If you live to be a hundred, you will never be as smart as me. On your best day, you’re not as smart as I am on my worst day.” Don’t be so cocky, Judy. Real intellectuals don’t talk about it.
Number Six: And a Little Sarcastic
When faced with an outrageous statement from a guest on the show, Judy eloquently made her opinion known by responding “…Yeah, right, and I was born in 1965.” If you don’t get it, she was born in 1942. Believe it or not, that makes her 73 years old! The strongest people have the ability to laugh at themselves.
Number Five: The Phrase that Sums Up Her Personality
Apparently, Judy is a strong proponent of the K.I.S.S. principle. No, it isn’t as sweet as it sounds. She once interrupted a guest with this amazing quote: “Have you ever heard of the K.I.S.S. principle? ‘Keep It Simple, Stupid.”
Number Four: The Cute Way She Lets You Know She’s in Charge
“I’m the boss, Applesauce.” That you are, Judge Judy. We can’t imagine how such a cruel woman has such an adorable, quirky side to her.
Number Three: When She Made a Frightening Threat
If you ever come across this intimidating woman, it would benefit you to never get on her bad side. Or else, you might end up eating your own shoes. She once threatened a guest on the show by saying, “I love the truth. If you don’t tell me the truth, you’re gonna be eating your shoes.” Talk about puuting your foot in your mouth, am I right?
Number Two: Or Predicted the Future
If you’re not absolutely terrified by Judge Judy, this quote might put things into perspective for you. She claims that, “…I eat morons like you for breakfast. You’re gonna be crying before this is over.” Poor guy, I bet he did leave the set in tears.
Number One: Her Most Inspirational Quote
Judy is most well-known for her iconic quote that, “Beauty fades. Dumb is forever.” Don’t forget, you just can’t cure stupid! We hope you enjoyed our ranking of the top seven most memorable on-screen quotes from Judge Judy!