Karma: Top 7 True Stories That Prove It’s Real

Karma is one of those elusive concepts that scientific researchers balk at and spiritual people celebrate. However, some cases of karma are so undeniable that its existence can’t really be explained by anything else. With that in mind, here are seven incredible tales of karma.

Number Seven: Billy Ray Harris. Billy Ray Harris was homeless when he noticed someone had mistakenly dropped her engagement ring into his donation bucket. He was able to find the woman and gave it back to her. The very next week, Harris found strangers who helped him fix his bike, he got a new home, and he was given $100,000 in donations.

Number Six: Mauricio Ferro. Mauricio was attempting to rob a drug store in Brazil when he made the mistake of leaving his getaway car running with the keys in. While he was stealing the money, his car was hijacked. When he came out with the money, yet another man came and stole that money from him. He called to report the crimes to the police but was taken to prison instead.

Number Five: Michael Anderson Godwin. Michael Anderson Godwin managed to escape death by the electric chair, despite the fact that he was convicted of sexual assault and murder. He was sentenced to live in prison instead. One day, when Godwin was attempting to fix a television while sitting on a metal toilet, he was electrocuted and died instantly.

Number Four: Steve Sullivan. Former Chicago Blackhawks player Steve Sullivan was heckled after he split his face open when a hockey stick hit him in the face. There was one man who heckled him in particular. However, despite his injuries, he returned to the game and scored two goals. Even better, the puck flew over the stands and ended up hitting his primary heckler in the face.

Number Three: Suicide Bomber and Karma

One Russian woman was part of a plan to kill a group of people on New Year’s Eve in Russia one year, and the detonation of the bomb was triggered by her phone. However, she forgot and somehow left her phone active throughout the day. Somebody made the mistake of sending her a Happy New Year’s text, and the bomb exploded while she was at home. The only person she successfully killed was herself.

Number Two: Tyler Myers. Tyler Myers was an Ohio teen who had a penchant for stealing stop signs. One night, when he went out to collect even more stop signs, he got into an accident that killed him. The accident was a result of there not being a stop sign – one that he had recently stolen.

Number One: Philip Contos. Philip Contos was riding his motorcycle in a protest against laws requiring motorcyclists to wear helmets when he was thrown from his motorcycle and over his handlebars. He died, and the cops reported that he likely would have lived had he been wearing a helmet.