Pop star Katy Perry is one of the most recognizable musicians currently on the scene. She is known for her style, her behavior, and her hilarious antics during her performances (looking at you, left shark). Though a lot of Perry’s life as a musician is on display, there are still some facts that many people don’t know about the “California Gurl” singer. Here, we present our list of 15 things you probably didn’t know about Katy Perry.
Number Fifteen: She Launched and Sold a Product Directly Through Twitter
Perry launched her product, Mad Potion, directly through Twitter. She was one of the first people ever to do this. She made an especially good candidate because of her massive Twitter following.
Number Fourteen: Social Media Has Been a Fundamental Part of Her Career
According to her, “…I was always using technology to connect with people around the world. From the get.” She is very aware of the power that social media has over a celebrity’s life.
Number Thirteen: There Is a Story Behind the Name Mad Potion
Perry named her fragrance Mad Potion for several reasons. She wanted to really emphasize the magical power a fragrance has, and she also references the Mad Hatter in the bottle’s design, which leads to the word “mad.”
Number Twelve: She Has a Go-To Emoji
Perry is a big fan of the emoji that features a face with lines for eyes and one line for a mouth. She likes it because, “…it could mean so many different things but it’s just, ugh.”
Number Eleven: She Embraces Her Darkness
Though Perry is most popular for her upbeat songs, she also embraces her darker side and acknowledges that everybody goes through hard times. She likes to embrace her dark side so people can be aware that they’re not alone.
Number Ten: She Also Loves Her Emotional Songs
Perry is a big fan of her song called “By the Grace of God.” She has lately been focusing on writing more emotional songs that are very personal and directly related to her life.
Number Nine: Katy Perry Owns Some Strange Things
Perry owns a meditation chair that also provides light therapy, and, according to an interview she did. She is also trying to get a “cryochamber” which she calls “that thing that Michael Jackson slept in.”
Number Eight: She Has a Hangover Cure
According to Perry, In-N-Out will cure any hangover. She also likes to drink Sprite to help her hangovers.
Number Seven: She Loves Unexpected Clothing
Perry really likes to look like she’s having fun, and her carefree style totally represents that. She has said, “I like when people present themselves with something unique.”
Number Six: Katy Perry Has a Hidden Talent
Perry can actually do a frog face that allows her throat to bulge out and look like a breathing frog. She discovered that she had the talent during her vocal training.
Number Five: She Surfs
Though Perry has admitted she spends too much time in the sun, she also surfs. In an interview, she said, “It’s so dangerous and I love it. You just connect finally again with the earth.”
Number Four: She Has a Beauty Product She Can’t Live Without
Perry loves Shu Uemura cleansing oil, which she uses to take her makeup off. She says that it lifts up the dirt and leaves her skin super moisturized.
Number Three: Her Favorite Hair Color Is Green
It’s true. Perry has rocked all kinds of hair colors, but her favorite is “that really grunge alternative green.”
Number Two: She Is Not Happy With the Way People Treat Each Other
In an interview, Perry said, “There’s just so much intolerance in the world these days. Ignorance, intolerance. I would like for compassion and tolerance, empathy and education to appear.”
Number One: Katy Perry Has No Fashion Regrets
Though the starlet has been spotted in many different outfits that have made it to a lot of “worst-dressed” lists, she has absolutely no regrets. She said, “…things that are too tight where I look like I’m spilling out of them unnaturally aren’t the greatest. But I just love playing, and I have so much fun, and I don’t take myself too seriously in any regard.”