Some people say that life is all about family. If something goes wrong in your life, it doesn’t matter as long as you have your family by your side. Family is what life is all about, right? However, when some people reach a certain age, they forget about family. Family goes from being a top priority to being last on a list. These people alter their priorities and they become their own top priority. They focus on their education, their careers, and creating an independent life for themselves. Sadly, they grow up and move on without their family. Leah Remini, known for her role as Carrie in The King of Queens, proves that at no matter what age, family should always be a top priority in one’s life.
Leah Remini is one of those people who moved to begin a life and a career for herself. She moved from Brooklyn, New York to Los Angeles, California. However, unlike most people, Remini did this at the mere age of 13. In the beginning of her teenage years, Remini had already decided that she wanted to pursue acting and make this her life-long career.
Although Remini moved to Los Angeles, California with her mother, family was no longer the priority in her life. She focused on herself, her craft, and her talents as an actress. She became a huge success very quickly and eventually had the life she always dreamt of. But, even though it may seem like Remini forgot about her family, she’s back to prove that even at 45-years-old, family is in fact a top priority. Remini and her reality show Leah Remini: It’s All Relative show that family is what life is all about.
Leah Remini: It’s All Relative is in its second season on TLC. In this sitcom, Remini is no longer “the actress from The King of Queens.” She is Leah Remini, the human being who considers family to be the most important aspect of her life. Cameras follow Remini as she goes through her day-to-day activities. These activities aren’t done alone, however. Remini is always with her family: her husband, her daughter, her mother and stepfather, her sister, her assistant and friend, and her daughter’s nanny and friend. This is Remini’s family. Remini’s family is her support system. Remini, in return, supports each member of her family. She congratulates them on good days and success, and stands by their side when they’re struggling. Without one another, they wouldn’t be able to get through life (in the sitcom, anyway).
Leah Remini proves that family is everything. So, go spend time with family. Show them that you love them, no matter what your age. After all, they are a top priority. Just ask Leah Remini.