Jack Nicholson: 15 Things You Didn’t Know (Part 1)

Jack Nicholson is one of the biggest movie stars in the past forty years. He’s had a strange, fun career. He’s played the deranged and the lightly comical. But he’s also had an interesting personal life on the way, so let’s get into that part of his existence a little. Here’s the first half of his list…

Number Fifteen: Before Becoming the Internationally Known Star He is Today, He Was Just a Kid Growing Up in New Jersey. Yup, Jack was a kid from the Garden State. He had a fairly normal childhood in some respects, working your standard suburban New Jersey kid jobs like movie theater ticket-taker.

Number Fourteen: His Mother Married His Father Illegally. They married without her knowing that he was already married to another woman. Needless to say, this didn’t last, and as it turns out, Jack wouldn’t know about it growing up.

Number Thirteen: His Grandparents Raised Him as Their Own Child. And because of this, he was raised to think his mother was his sister. He only found out the truth about this after it was discovered by Time Magazine. Nicholson has said that while this was of course extremely shocking news to him as an adult (and a famous one, by the time the information came out) that he didn’t find it traumatizing.

Number Twelve: He is a Huge Los Angeles Lakers Fan. It’s been mostly easy-going for Lakers fans over the years, but Jack Nicholson is a true fan through thick and thin. He’s like the Spike Lee of L.A. if that means anything to you.

Number Eleven: He Grew Up With Danny DeVito. Yup. Before these two became enormous movie stars, they were just some kids in New Jersey hanging out.

Number Ten: He Loves Professional Wrestling. He is a big WWE fan. This comes as quite a surprise, even though it shouldn’t. Apparently he regularly attends live professional wrestling events. His favorite wrestlers are Ric Flair and John Cena.

Number Nine: His Love of WWE Has Inspired Him to Create His Own Wrestling Franchise. It hasn’t happened, unfortunately. But if he got his wish, we would all know about it, because he wants it to include Johnny Depp, Jim Carrey, and Tom Cruise. That’s it for part one, but check back for part two, of this list real soon.